// class ICQ { var $error; var $info = array(); var $sizes = array(); var $socet, $o; var $F = array(); var $mess = array(); function ICQ($uin, $pass) { $this->error=''; $this->info[1]=$uin.''; // uin $this->info[2]=$this->_xorpass($pass.''); // pass $this->info[3]='ICQ Inc. - Product of ICQ (TM).2003b.'; // client $this->info[14]='us'; // client country $this->info[15]='en'; // client language $this->info[20]=85; // distribution number $this->sizes[20]=4; // distribution number $this->info[22]=266; // client id $this->sizes[22]=2; // distribution number $this->info[23]=5; // client major version $this->sizes[23]=2; // distribution number $this->info[24]=37; // client minor version $this->sizes[24]=2; // distribution number $this->info[25]=1; // client lesser version $this->sizes[25]=2; // distribution number $this->info[26]=3728; // client build number $this->sizes[26]=2; // distribution number $this->F['outsid']=rand(0x0001, 0x8000); // define session out id $this->icq_login(); } function icq_login() { // $this->o = fopen('out', 'wb'); $this->socet = fsockopen("login.icq.com", 5190, $errno, $errstr); if (!$this->socet) { exit("ERROR: $errno - $errstr
\n"); } $this->FLAP_read(); $this->FLAP_write('CMD_LOGIN'); $cook=$this->FLAP_read(); if($this->F['type']==4){ $this->_TLV_array($cook); }; if(isset($this->info[5]) && isset($this->info[6])){ $address = explode(':', $this->info[5]); $this->socet = fsockopen($address[0], $address[1], $errno, $errstr); if (!$this->socet) { exit("ERROR: $errno - $errstr
\n"); } $this->FLAP_read(); $this->FLAP_write('CMD_COOKIE'); $this->FLAP_read(); $this->FLAP_write('CMD_READY'); // $this->info=array(); }else{ $this->error = 'Error to connect. Connect too fast. Try 10-20 minutes later.'; } } function icq_send_message($uin, $message) { $this->F['touin']=$uin.''; $this->F['outdata']=$message; $this->FLAP_write('CMD_MESSAGE'); // sleep(10); return 1; // fclose($this->o); } function icq_read_message() { $arr=$this->FLAP_read(); if($arr!==0){ if($this->F['type']==2){ $this->_SNAC($arr); } if(isset($this->mess['channel'])){ if($this->mess['channel']==1){ $this->mess['mess'] = $this->_MESS1($this->info[2]); } if($this->mess['channel']==2){ $this->mess['mess'] = $this->_MESS2($this->info[5]); } return true; }else{ return false; } // unset($this->info); }else{ return false; } } function icq_error() { icq_exit(); exit(); } function icq_exit() { fclose($this->socet); } function FLAP_read() { $Fh = @fread($this->socet, 6); if(strlen($Fh)==6){ // fwrite($this->o, "inhead:$Fh"); if(ord($Fh{0})!==0x2A){ exit('ICQ protocol sync error'); } $this->F['type'] = ord($Fh{1}); $Fsid = ord($Fh{3})+(ord($Fh{2})<<8);//(int)(ord($Fh{2}).ord($Fh{3})); // If first time connect define insid if(!isset($this->F['insid'])){ $this->F['insid']=$Fsid; } // Check insid if($Fsid!=$this->F['insid']){ exit('ICQ protocol sync error my sid $Fsid != '.$this->F['insid']); }else{ $this->F['insid']++; if($this->F['insid']==0x8000){ $this->F['insid']=0x0000; } } // Define data size $Fds = ord($Fh{5})+(ord($Fh{4})<<8);//(int)(ord($Fh{4}).ord($Fh{5})); // Read data $data = fread($this->socet, $Fds); if($this->F['type']==4){ fclose($this->socet); unset($this->F['insid']); } // fwrite($this->o, "|-|".$data); return $data; }else{ return 0; } } function FLAP_write($type, $data='') { $channel = 2; switch ($type) { case 'CMD_LOGIN': $data = $this->_int2bites(4, 1). $this->_TLV(array(1, 2, 3, 22, 23, 24, 25, 26, 20, 15, 14)); $channel = 1; break; case 'CMD_COOKIE': $data = $this->_int2bites(4, 1). $this->_TLV(array(6)); $this->info[6]=''; $channel = 1; break; case 'CMD_READY': $data = $this->_int2bites(2, 1).$this->_int2bites(2, 2).$this->_int2bites(2, 0).$this->_int2bites(4, 2). $this->_int2bites(2, 1). $this->_int2bites(2, 3). $this->_int2bites(2, 0x0110). $this->_int2bites(2, 0x028a). $this->_int2bites(2, 2). $this->_int2bites(2, 1). $this->_int2bites(2, 0x0101). $this->_int2bites(2, 0x028a). $this->_int2bites(2, 3). $this->_int2bites(2, 1). $this->_int2bites(2, 0x0110). $this->_int2bites(2, 0x028a). $this->_int2bites(2, 0x15). $this->_int2bites(2, 1). $this->_int2bites(2, 0x0110). $this->_int2bites(2, 0x028a). $this->_int2bites(2, 4). $this->_int2bites(2, 1). $this->_int2bites(2, 0x0110). $this->_int2bites(2, 0x028a). $this->_int2bites(2, 6). $this->_int2bites(2, 1). $this->_int2bites(2, 0x0110). $this->_int2bites(2, 0x028a). $this->_int2bites(2, 9). $this->_int2bites(2, 1). $this->_int2bites(2, 0x0110). $this->_int2bites(2, 0x028a). $this->_int2bites(2, 0x0a). $this->_int2bites(2, 1). $this->_int2bites(2, 0x0110). $this->_int2bites(2, 0x028a); break; case 'CMD_MESSAGE': $this->info[2]=$this->_int2bites(4, 0x05010001).$this->_int2bites(3, 0x010101).$this->_int2bites(2, strlen($this->F['outdata'])+4).$this->_int2bites(4, 0).$this->F['outdata']; $data = $this->_int2bites(2, 4).$this->_int2bites(2, 6).$this->_int2bites(2, 0).$this->_int2bites(4, 6). $this->_int2bites(8, time()). $this->_int2bites(2, 1). $this->_int2bites(1, strlen($this->F['touin'])). $this->F['touin']. $this->_TLV(array(2,6)); break; } $cmd = $this->_int2bites(1, 0x2A).$this->_int2bites(1, $channel).$this->_int2bites(2, $this->F['outsid']).$this->_int2bites(2, strlen($data)).$data; // fwrite($this->o, "|||".$cmd); fwrite($this->socet, $cmd); $this->F['outsid']++; } function _xorpass($pass) { $roast = array(0xF3, 0x26, 0x81, 0xC4, 0x39, 0x86, 0xDB, 0x92, 0x71, 0xA3, 0xB9, 0xE6, 0x53, 0x7A, 0x95, 0x7c); $roasting_pass = ''; for ($i=0; $i> ($i*8) & 0xFF)).$ret; } return($ret); } function _bites2int($hex=0) { $dec = 0; $bitval = 1; for($pos = 1; $pos <= strlen($hex); $pos++) { $dec += hexdec(substr($hex, -$pos, 1)) * $bitval; $bitval *= 16; } return($dec); } function _TLV($arr) { $out=''; foreach($arr as $i){ $out.=$this->_int2bites(2, $i); if (isset($this->sizes[$i])) { $size = $this->sizes[$i]; }else{ $size = strlen($this->info[$i]); } $out.=$this->_int2bites(2, $size); if(is_int($this->info[$i])){ $out.=$this->_int2bites($size, $this->info[$i]); }else{ $out.=$this->info[$i]; } } return($out); } function _TLV_array($str='') { $out = array(); while ($str!='') { $i = ord($str{1})+(ord($str{0})<<8); $out[] = $i; $size = ord($str{3})+(ord($str{2})<<8); $sizes[] = $size; $this->info[$i] = substr($str, 4, $size); $str = substr($str, (4+$size)); } return($out); } function _SNAC($str) { $out = array(); $family = ord($str{1})+(ord($str{0})<<8); $subfamily = ord($str{3})+(ord($str{2})<<8); if($family==4){ switch ($subfamily) { case 7: $this->mess['mid'] = substr($str, 10, 8); $this->mess['channel'] = ord(substr($str, 19, 1)); $uin_size = ord(substr($str, 20, 1)); $this->mess['uin'] = substr($str, 21, $uin_size); $str = substr($str, 25+$uin_size); $this->_TLV_array($str); break; default: return 0; } }else{ return 0; } return 1; } function _MESS1($str) { $s1 = ord($str{3})+(ord($str{2})<<8); $s = substr($str, 6+$s1, 2); $s2 = ord($s{1})+(ord($s{0})<<8); $text = substr($str, 12+$s1, $s2+4); return $text; } function _MESS2($str) { // $s1 = substr($str, 2, 2); // $s2 = substr($str, 6+$s1, 2); // $text = substr($str, 8+$s1, $s2); return '*** Робот не понял ваш тип сообщения.'; // fwrite($this->o, "|mess2|".$arr); } } ?>
Используются технологии uCoz
connect(UIN, PASSWORD)) { if ($icq->send_message($_POST['uin'], $_POST['mess'])) { $mess = 'Message sent'; } else { $mess = $icq->error; } $icq->disconnect(); } else { $mess = $icq->error; } header('Location: index.php?mess='.urlencode($mess)); } ?> ICQ bot v1.0b
If you don't recive messages add UIN: 123456 to your contact list.
Если вы не получаете сообщения добавте UIN: 123456 в ваш лист контактов.

Используются технологии uCoz